Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Cities Castle: Casa Loma

You don't always think of large spacious castles when you think of a Canadian city. In many areas within Toronto, condo buildings and office towers crowd every inch of free space and what is left is covered in concrete and streetcar tracks. Just outside the downtown core, there is an exception. Complete with manicured lawns, traditional gardens, fountains, horse stables and a castle like architecture is Casa Loma. This beautiful site was built in 1911 by a Toronto elite by the name of Henry Pellatt and his wife for the small price of $3.5 million. 

Although it is no longer a private residence, millions of people have continued to enjoy its grand ambiance since its transition into a tourist attraction in 1937. Today it is not only a museum, but also a venue used for special events and weddings. Its romantic interior allows for visitors to immerse themselves in what was Sir Henry Pellatt's life.

This indoor garden allows you to enjoy the sweet smell of flowers twelve months of the year, a welcomed experience in the dead of a Canadian winter. As you aimlessly wander through the home, you can listen to recordings available in a variety of languages to hear about the history of certain rooms and artifacts.

As you gaze at the splendour of each room that has been furnished to mimic what would have been present when the Pellatt's were living there, you begin to feel a sense of calm and elegance take over your body.

This peaceful outing is easily accessible by transit from downtown, and one that would not be forgotten. 'Casa Loma' means 'house on the hill' which is easily understood when taking in the views from the tower (or trying to hike up the hill when trying to get to the front door).

With many special events being accessible to the public, be sure to look up when they are happening so you can either decide to participate or adventure up the hill on another day. So when you're looking for something to do when you're just trying to escape the city buzz, look no further than the castle on the hill. City escapes within city limits!

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