About Me

My name is Megan and I am very new to living in the city. I grew up about an hour north of Toronto where highway 404 ends (yes, it truly does end) and was accustomed to having so many activities and adventures always at my finger tips. Blessed with a group of friends that love to do it all; on weekends we would fish, hike, hunt, go boating, camp, bike, go to the beach, party, you name it, we would love to do it! That fateful day came though that almost every person from a smaller town experiences, either commute to the city every day for both work and school, which means you're hardly ever home, or bite the city bullet and just move there. I bit that bullet. 

Now, living in the city I am itching for things to do on my days off, so I am trying to find both unique and touristy things to do that I think others would like to know about when they feel like getting out and about. I have discovered since starting this that there is A LOT to do in Toronto! Slowly, I am making my way around town, jotting down little parks, museums and flat out big spots that I think others would want to know about. I am trying to find city escapes within the city limits!

Like many other mid-twenties person, there are times when I flat out just don't have the money to do much of anything except pay my bills, so don't worry, not everything I talk about costs money to get into. As I go along, I have become very aware that there are some museums that even have student days (I attend the University of Toronto) which get me free admission! I hope you enjoy and if there are places you think I am really missing let me know and I'll be sure to check it out!

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